
Hostel Room

Hostel mess

Hostel Facilities

A well-furnished hostel for the trainees is within the premises of the PCSIR. Each trainee is provided cupboard and table with chair. He should, however, bring his own bedding (bed sheet, blanket, pillow and mosquito net size 6¢-3² x 4¢-6²x7’). Moreover, he has to bring two pairs of white gymnastic pants, one pair of white shoes and table cloth for covering his writing desk of 3¢-6² x 2.5’ sizes. The rules and regulations about Hostel are defined in the prospectus and are displayed in the Hostel as well. The boarders are expected to obey them strictly.

PSTC Hostel Rules and Regulations

  1. Illegal activities such as smoking etc strictly prohibited in the hostel. If someone violate these rules can be expelled from the hostel.
  2. The students must follow the hostel timings.
  3. Principal / Hostel Management Committee Members can check hostel at any time.
  4. The main objective of the students is to focus on their study. If someone indulged in illegal activities can be struck off from the hostel and can be punished as well.
  5. The father/guardian of the student who came to meet the student could stay in the hostel by the permission of caretaker / hostel Incharge.
  6. No student is allowed to go outside from the hostel after 8:00 pm.
  7. The allocation of rooms in the hostel is entirely at the discretion of the Principal/Hostel Management Committee. No trainee has a right to insist on any particular choice of room or of his room-mate or dictate in this connection.
  8. Every resident trainee shall be allotted furniture and other articles by the Hostel caretaker/ Incharge which alone he will use, and in case of breakage or damage to anything in his charge he shall be held responsible for making the damage good.
  9. No trainee shall change his accommodation or furniture or other articles except with the explicit permission of the caretaker / hostel Incharge.
  10. All trainees shall keep their articles of furniture and beddings clean and in proper order. No one shall spit or make the room / surroundings dirty in any way.
  11. No trainee shall keep a guest with him or entertain any visitor in the Hostel.
  12. Casual visitors may however be permitted (before Magrib Prayer) to see a trainee at times fixed/notified by the Hostel Incharge/caretaker.
  13. A trainee who is found to be maintaining and developing non-permissible acquaintances and associations with outsiders, shall render himself liable to expulsion.
  14. All trainees shall obtain a permit from the Hostel Incharge / caretaker for going out of the Hostel, stating specific purpose to the satisfaction of the issuing authority, but no trainee shall be normally permitted to remain away from the Hostel after the Maghirb Prayer. Also, all trainees shall note down the time of departure and the time of arrival in the register maintained for the purpose.
  15. Any trainees desiring to go out of Lahore shall apply for and obtain permission from the Principal through the Hostel incharge /caretaker and shall report to him on their return to Hostel.
  16. No trainee shall smoke tobacco or keep use any narcotics, drugs, obscene pictures and objectionable literature of any kind or keep any pet animal, musical instruments/Computer/Laptop or any sort of arms and ammunitions, or any dangerous weapon or play un-Islamic games or visit video centers and cinema house.
  17. Each trainee is expected to offer his prayers regularly. The Hostel Incharge / caretaker shall arrange to wake up the students every morning and the trainees are expected to respond to their call immediately.
  18. Every trainee shall, at the time of joining the Hostel, submit a list of the names of his relatives and friends in Lahore, alongwith their address and telephone numbers (if any), so that the authorities of the centre may be guided properly in permitting the students to have social relations with outsiders.
  19. A trainee will be allowed to visit on weekend only, his relatives or friends whose names have been mentioned by him in the list provided to the Hostel caretaker/Principal at the time of admission.
  20. No trainee shall directly or indirectly indulge in or involve himself in any sort of domestic, regional or national politics of any kind. Any trainee found to be taking part in any activities prejudicial to the discipline and decorum of the Hostel or the Centre deliberately committing a breach of the above principles shall invariable be liable to strict disciplinary actions as and when deemed essential by the authorities concerned.
  21. Smart Phone / tablet is not allowed in the hostel.
  22. Since every trainee in the centre is prospective professional under training, he must shape and mould his personality, behavior and character into the patterns explicitly practiced and demonstrated by the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) through his sacred Sunnah.
  23. The main gate of the Hostel’s campus shall be closed at 8:00 p.m. No trainee shall be allowed to go or remain out of the Hostel after that. It is only in emergencies that the Warden may allow a student to go or remain out of the Hostel Incharge /care taker after 8:00 p.m. The Permission shall be given in writing.
  24. All the trainees are bound to maintain hostel and its surrounding in all respect for the purpose all the trainees (in general), and 1st year particularly do 02 hours gardening before Asar Prayer.
  25. All the trainees are bound to play indoor and outdoor games from Asar Prayer to Maghrib Prayer under supervision of hostel incharge/care taker/warden.
  26. All the trainees are bound to study 03 hours after Esha Prayer daily in their rooms. For their guidance & help hostel incharge/care taker will frame a coaching committee of senior students who are also brilliant in their study and got one of the first three positions.
If any student will not abide the rules & regulations of Hostel. He can be expelled from hostel without any notice & warning by warden. If something is serious then he may also be terminated from centre. This will be done after recommendation of enquiry committee.


General Practice

                  Hostel Incharge / caretaker shall nominee students:

  • To help the hostel Incharge / caretaker in arrangements of activities.
  • To check the applications of the students and keep record of holidays.
  • To check the attendance of students.

Store Secretary

  • To issue the hostel’s furniture to the students from store.
  • To keep record of furniture.
  • To inform the warden for the loss of furniture and any other equipments.