1 | Graph Paper |
2 | Meter Rod |
3 | Drawing Board |
4 | Vernier Caliper 0 to 150mm (0.05) |
5 | Solid cylinder |
6 | Outside Micro meter 0 to 25mm (-0.01) |
7 | Wire of different diameter |
8 | Fletcher trolley apparatus |
9 | Tuning fork of different |
10 | frequencies(5 each of different frequencies) |
11 | Rubber pads |
12 | Resonance apparatus |
13 | Beaker |
14 | Thermometer 0-100C, |
15 | V shaped wooden blocks |
16 | Solid spheres |
17 | Card stand |
18 | Drawing pins packets |
19 | Protractor/D |
20 | Slotted cork |
21 | Glass slabs |
22 | Common pins packets |
23 | Lead Pencils in dozens |
24 | Tables 4X8X 3 height |
25 | Concave mirror |
26 | Knitting needles in packets |
27 | Upright needles with stand |
28 | Converging lense |
29 | Microscope with vernier scale |
30 | Spectrometer with light |
31 | source(Sodium lamp) |
32 | index needle |
33 | Convex lense of small focal length |
34 | Convex lense of large focal length |
35 | Pin hole camera Digital |
36 | Tripod stand |
37 | Bunsen burner |
38 | Calorimeter alongwith wooden lid |
39 | Stirrer |
40 | Hangers |
41 | Pulleys |
42 | Weight Box, |
43 | Drawing Board Half imperial size |
44 | Mirrors strips 1X6 |
45 | Mirrors strips 4X6 |
46 | Cotton threads gola |
47 | Universal stands/frame |
48 | set square 30,60,45 degree midium size |
49 | Toggle joint apparatus |
50 | Spring balance 1-10Kg |
51 | Spring balance 1-20Kg |
52 | Steel yards/ steel meter rod |
53 | wooden blocks |
54 | Differential pulley block |
55 | Simple harmonic motion apparatus |
56 | Drawing sheets Imperial size (pack of 100 sheets) |
57 | Hooks law apparatus (Helical spring type) |
58 | Maxwell needle type magnetic apparatus for north and south pole determination |
59 | Binoculars(doorbeen) |
60 | Stop watch digital |
61 | Common balance |
62 | Knife edges wooden |
63 | Wedges wooden |
64 | Forces on a Suspension Bridge Apparatus |
65 | Pulley & Block Apparatus |
66 | Bell Crank Lever Apparatus |
67 | Wire Suspension Apparatus |
68 | Steam Generator |
69 | Half Degree Thermometer |
70 | Calori Meter |
71 | Flannel |
72 | Blotting Paper |
73 | Galvanometer |
74 | Batteries 12 Volt 6 Amp |
75 | Connecting Wire 10 Meter |
76 | Hypsometer |
77 | Optical Bench |
78 | Kundt's tube |
79 | V Shape Block |
80 | Lycopodium Powder |
81 | Sono Meter |
82 | Searles apparatus |
83 | Steel Wire (Pieces) |
84 | Graph Paper |
85 | Meter Rod |
86 | Drawing Board |
87 | Vernier Caliper 0 to 150mm (0.05) |
88 | Solid cylinder |
89 | Outside Micro meter 0 to 25mm |
90 | Wire of different diameter |
91 | Fletcher trolley apparatus |
92 | Tuning fork of different |
93 | frequencies(5 each of different frequencies) |
94 | Rubber pads |
95 | Resonance apparatus |
96 | Beaker |
97 | Thermometer 0-100C, |
98 | V shaped wooden blocks |
99 | Solid spheres |
100 | Card stand |
101 | Drawing pins packets |
102 | Protractor/D |
103 | Slotted cork |
104 | Glass slabs |
105 | Common pins packets |
106 | Lead Pencils in dozens |
107 | Tables 4X8X 3 height |
108 | Concave mirror |
109 | Knitting needles in packets |
110 | Upright needles with stand |
111 | Converging lenses |
112 | Microscope with vernier scale |
113 | Spectrometer with light |
114 | source(Sodium lamp) |
115 | index needle |
116 | Convex lenses of small focal length |
117 | Convex lenses of large focal length |
118 | Pin hole camera Digital |
119 | Tripod stand |
120 | Bunsen burner |
121 | Calorimeter along with wooden lid |
122 | Stirrer |
123 | Hangers |
124 | Pulleys |
125 | Weight Box, |
126 | Drawing Board Half imperial size |
127 | Mirrors strips 1X6 |
128 | Mirrors strips 4X6 |
129 | Cotton threads gola |
130 | Universal stands/frame |
131 | set square 30,60,45 degree |
132 | medium size |
133 | Toggle joint apparatus |
134 | Spring balance 1-10Kg |
135 | Spring balance 1-20Kg |
136 | Steel yards/ steel meter rod |
137 | wooden blocks |
138 | Differential pulley block |
139 | Simple harmonic motion apparatus |
140 | Drawing sheets Imperial size (pack |
141 | of 100 sheets) |
142 | Hooks law apparatus (Helical |
143 | spring type) |
144 | Maxwell needle type magnetic |
145 | apparatus for north and south pole |
146 | determination |
147 | Binoculars(door been) |
148 | Stop watch digital |
149 | Common balance |
150 | Knife edges wooden |
151 | Wedges wooden |
152 | Forces on a Suspension Bridge |
153 | Apparatus |
154 | Pulley & Block Apparatus |
155 | Bell Crank Lever Apparatus |
156 | Wire Suspension Apparatus |
157 | Steam Generator |
158 | Half Degree Thermometer |
159 | Calori Meter |
160 | Flannel |
161 | Blotting Paper |
162 | Galvanometer |
163 | Batteries 12 Volt 6 Amp |
164 | Connecting Wire 10 Meter |
165 | Hypsometer |
166 | Optical Bench |
167 | Kundt's tube |
168 | V Shape Block |
169 | Lycopodium Powder |
170 | Sono Meter |
171 | Searles apparatus |
172 | Steel Wire (Pieces) |